Jeremy POWER

Corps de Ballet

Born in San Diego, USA, Jeremy Power graduated from California Ballet School in 2017 and joined Ballet West that same year. He later danced with Philadelphia Ballet II, Philadelphia Ballet and trained for a year at Ellison Ballet before joining Hong Kong Ballet as a Corps de Ballet member in 2023.

He has performed in many contemporary and classical ballets like The Nutcracker, La Bayadère, Don Quixote, Cinderella, Peter Pan and Beauty and the Beast.

Dancer Q&A
1. Why do you dance?

Dance is the crossroads of athletics and artistry. It represents getting to be two things at the same time. In life there are so many things I want to do, and I feel so lucky to get to be active and expressive in my career.

2. What does ballet mean to you?
I think I dance to pursue perfection. In ballet there is such clear, attainable improvement. Even though we will never be perfect, it’s nice to work hard and get a little bit closer.

3. Why did you start dancing?
My brother and I went to a dance studio in Yuma, Arizona to take gymnastics, and the studio owner told us she’d give us a discount if we take all the classes, including ballet.

4.What was the first ballet you ever performed?
The first ballet I ever performed was a triple bill with the California Ballet Company that included Septime Webre’s Fluctuating Hemlines. I really did not expect to perform it, but one of the men hurt his knee last minute, and I had to go in.

5.How do you unwind after a show?
After shows I always feel this weird mix of satisfaction and exhaustion. So I love to just go out to a restaurant with friends or family and eat good food and not worry about anything.

6.What is the Attribute you most like about yourself?
 I really like that I am open to new things. I think the world is full of so many amazing things, and I like to explore and learn about them as much as I can.

7. What is the Place where you feel most yourself?
 I think being with people that know me really well, whether it’s my family or close friends.

8. What would you be if you were not a dancer?
A marine biologist. I really love the ocean, and exploring and researching it further just seems so interesting to me.

9. Where is the most interesting place you have ever visited or want to visit?
The most interesting place I have visited is probably Alaska. The places I want to visit are Greece or Japan.

10.Who is your favorite dancer who has inspired you?
Kimin Kim. Watching his jumps and variations on YouTube made me want to jump as high as him.

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