Title Sponsor
Christmas would not be Christmas without The Nutcracker! Come and celebrate the holidays with us, joining the magical adventure of Clara, Fritz and the Nutcracker as they battle the evil Rat King. A flurry of snowflakes appears and guides the way to find the Ballerina at the top of the Christmas tree. Can the heroic Nutcracker conquer the dastardly Rat King and his army? Will the children save the day and reunite the Ballerina and her beloved Nutcracker?
Exclusive Champagne Appreciation Session with Perrier-Jouët Champagne
$1,000 (VIP) and $680 ticket holders of The Nutcracker can enjoy a complimentary Exclusive Champagne Appreciation Session hosted by Hong Kong Ballet's Champagne Partner Perrier-Jouët Champagne. To RSVP, please send your name, phone number and a copy of The Nutcracker ticket stub to [email protected] or [email protected]. For enquiries, please contact Ms. Ophelia Hui at 2398 3636 or Mr. Christopher Bin at 6014 9183.
Participant must be aged 18 or above
Original ticket stub must be presented for entrance
One ticket stub admits one person for one entry only
Limited quota; first-come, first-served
Various terms & conditions may apply
In case of any dispute, Perrier-Jouët Champagne reserves the right to final decision
Exclusive Offer at Repetto
$1,000 (VIP), $680 and $520 ticket holders of The Nutcracker can enjoy the following offers at any of the Repetto Hong Kong stores:
1. Receive a Repetto Premium Notebook for free
2. Enjoy an extra 10% off upon any single net purchase of $5,000
For Enquiries, please contact 2310 6003 or [email protected]
Original ticket must be presented before redemption and one ticket can only be used once
Gifts are available on a first come, first served basis
This offer is valid until 17.1.2016
15% off food & beverage at InterContinental Hong Kong
Ticket holders of The Nutcracker can enjoy 15% off food & beverage in all restaurants and bars at InterContinental Hong Kong before or after the performance upon presentation of their tickets on the performance date. For details, please call 2313 2323 or email [email protected].
For $1,000 (VIP) ticket-holder
Present your ticket stub to Hong Kong Ballet’s reception counter (Level 2 Foyer, Hong Kong Cultural Centre) before the performance or during the intermission to receive a coupon for a free drink.
Each ticket stub is valid for one free drink only.