Title Sponsor レペット協賛


A fun, interactive show for the young and young at heart, Ballet Classics For Children: Cinderella will return again to bewitch audiences of all ages this season. Can Cinderella escape from her ugly Stepsisters and win the Prince’s heart before midnight? Will her Fairy Godmother be able to help her in time?

From the wildly popular series of family friendly one-hour introductions to ballet classics for both ballet novices and long-time fans by choreographer Yuri Ng, this entertaining and educational adaptation of the classic fairytale Cinderella sees heartbreak turn to joy as the power of love conquers all. Meet the Fairy Godmother, the comical Stepsisters, and the handsome Prince as Hong Kong Ballet dancers bring Cinderella’s triumphant rags-to-riches story to life with the help of a fun and engaging story-teller adding some unexpected Hong Kong plot twists!

Hong Kong Ballet will present its first-ever show narrated in Japanese for ballet lovers, reaching to the Japanese community in the city! An extra performance will be staged on 20 Jan 2017 (Friday) at 5:00pm with our multi-talented dancer Shunsuke Arimizu as the Japanese narrator. This would be a great after-school activity!

子供たちと心は若い皆さんにおくる楽しい双方向型のバレエ劇: 子供向け古典バレエ:あらゆる世代の人々を魅了するために、あのシンデレラがこの季節に戻って来ました。醜い異母姉妹から逃れて、シンデレラは真夜中になる前に王子様のハートを射止めることができるのか?妖精のゴッドマザーは時間内に前に彼女を助けられるのか?

Yuri Ngは大好評の家族向け1時間のバレエ紹介作品のみならず、バレエ初心者から古くからのファンも対象にしたクラッシク作品までと幅広く手掛けています。今回は古典的なおとぎ話し「シンデレラ」を楽しくかつ教育的にも意義ある形で脚本化。愛の力によって悲しみを喜びへと変え、全てを克服する物語を再現します。妖精のゴッドマザー、愉快な異母姉妹、ハンサムな王子様に是非会いに来て下さい。香港バレエ団ダンサー達が、楽しくハラハラドキドキする語りと香港らしい展開を伴って、貧しいシンデレラがお姫様に変身する夢のような物語を演じます。



Narration in Japanese 日本語ナレーション付き公演[Extra Show] 20.1.2017 (Fri) 5:00pm

Narration in Cantonese 広東語ナレーション付き公演4回 20.1.2017 (Fri) 7:30pm 21.1.2017 (Sat) 2:30pm & 5:00pm 22.1.2017 (Sun) 5:00pm

Narration in English 英語ナレーション付き公演3回 21.1.2017 (Sat) 7:30pm 22.1.2017 (Sun) 12:00nn & 2:30pm
Studio Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
Tickets available at URBTIX from 20 November 2016
$280, $180
The performance lasts approximately 1 hour without intermission
Ages 5 and above
DiscountsHouse Rules
Creative Team

Artistic Curator & Additional Choreography: Yuri Ng
Narrator/Script Writer (English and Cantonese): Rick Lau
Narrator (Japanese): Shunsuke Arimizu
Original Choreography: David Allan
Music: Sergei Prokofiev
Set Design: Leocampo Yuen
Lighting Design: Alice Kwong
Sound Design: Kester Lee

芸術キュレータ―兼振付け補助:Yuri Ng
ナレーター兼脚本(広東語と英語):Rick Lau
オリジナル振付け:David Allan
舞台セットデザイン:Leocampo Yuen
照明デザイン:Alice Kwong
音響デザイン:Kester Lee


Sponsors and Partners

Exclusive Offer at Repetto レペットからの限定サービス

Ticket holders can receive a Repetto gift for free upon any purchase

This offer is only valid at Repetto Harbour City store and while stock lasts.
Original ticket must be presented to redeem the offer. 兌換時必須出示票尾正本。
In case of any dispute, the decision of Swire Resources Limited shall be final.
Enquiries : 2310 6003 | [email protected]

レペット商品をご購入の際に、当チケットをお持ちの方には無料ギフトを差し上げます。ハーバー・シティ店だけの限定サービスで、在庫には限りがあります。チケットをご提示の上ギフトを受け取って下さい。万が一問題が生じた場合はSwire Resources Limitedの判断が優先されます。
問合せ:2310 6003 | [email protected]

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